

This cult 1969 release is thought to have been masterminded by hip Latino rockabilly guitarist Freddy Fender. Despite their best efforts to come across as sinister, and the sleeves claim that the band are unbelievable, individual, idealistic, their sole album stands as one of the goofiest garage releases of the period.
A considerable rarity, it makes its CD debut here.
Special price!

This album is a riot. That doesn't mean it's good; it's not. It is, however, one of the most absurd and misguided attempts at exploitation you'll ever hear. The long opening "Satan's First Theme" is ridiculous beyond belief. The singer laughs and growls in a goofy way that wouldn't scare a two-year old, and the lyrics are equally tame. I mean, if you're trying to be Satan, wouldn't you be evil, or scary, or offensive? He doesn't go much further than suggesting he should have sued the writers of the bible for libel. This goes on for about eight minutes, as he sing-speaks and while the backup singers call him "the bugger man." Unforgettable! Another long (7 minute) song ends the album, with the same singer/narrator teaching us about "The Book Of Alpha." It's more of the same and less entertaining only because it's the second time he's pulled the same schtick. The lousy garage pop songs and country ballads that come between these two "masterpieces" are mundane by comparison, even though they're pretty goofy too. Most of you will think this is a colossal waste of time, but some of you will treasure it for life.

Titel: Underground
Stil: The Devil/Satan
Best-Nr.: AUCD5023
Typ: CD
Preis: 15.- CHF


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Satans First Theme
Why The Seas Are Salty
Black Sheep
Devil Time
Satan On Universe
Book Of Alpha

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